1. anlamı ayarlamak, tanzim etmek, düzenlemek, tertip etmek; kalıp; vücuda getirmek, yaratmak; endam, heyet; yolu, shape up iyi gitmek, yön vermek; durum, hal; suret, şekil, biçim; şekillendirmek, biçimlendirmek; hayalet, tayf, hayal. 2. anlamı şekil verici, eğeleme mengenesi, planyacı, vargel tezgâhı, frezeci. 3. anlamı vargel tezgâhi.
Shaper İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Shaper anlamları
(noun) A machine with a vertically revolving cutter projecting above a flat table top, for cutting irregular outlines, moldings, etc.
(noun) That which shapes; a machine for giving a particular form or outline to an object.
(noun) One who shapes; as, the shaper of one's fortunes.
(noun) A kind of planer in which the tool, instead of the work, receives a reciprocating motion, usually from a crank.
Shaper tanım:
Kelime: shape Söyleniş:'shAp İşlev:verb Türleri:shaped; shap·ing Kökeni: Middle English, alteration of Old English scieppan; akin to Old High German skepfen to shape transitive senses 1: FORM, CREATE; especially : to give a particular form or shape to 2obsolete: ORDAIN, DECREE 3 : to adapt in shape so as to fit neatly and closely a dress shaped to her figure 4 a: DEVISE, PLANb : to embody in definite form shaping a folktale into an epic 5 a : to make fit for (as a particular use or purpose) : ADAPTb : to determine or direct the course or character of (as life) c : to modify (behavior) by rewarding changes that tend toward a desired response intransitive senses 1: HAPPEN, BEFALL 2 : to take on or approach a mature or definite form -- often used with up - shap·ernoun