

Settle İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Settle anlamları

  1. (v. i.) To make a jointure for a wife.
  2. (noun) A place made lower than the rest; a wide step or platform lower than some other part.
  3. (noun) To determine, as something which is exposed to doubt or question; to free from unscertainty or wavering; to make sure, firm, or constant; to establish; to compose; to quiet; as, to settle the mind when agitated; to settle questions of law; to settle the succession to a throne; to settle an allowance.
  4. (v. i.) To be established in an employment or profession; as, to settle in the practice of law.
  5. (v. i.) To enter into the married state, or the state of a householder.
  6. (noun) To establish in the pastoral office; to ordain or install as pastor or rector of a church, society, or parish; as, to settle a minister.
  7. (noun) To adjust, as something in discussion; to make up; to compose; to pacify; as, to settle a quarrel.
  8. (noun) To plant with inhabitants; to colonize; to people; as, the French first settled Canada; the Puritans settled New England; Plymouth was settled in 1620.
  9. (v. i.) To become firm, dry, and hard, as the ground after the effects of rain or frost have disappeared; as, the roads settled late in the spring.
  10. (noun) To cause to sink; to lower; to depress; hence, also, to render close or compact; as, to settle the contents of a barrel or bag by shaking it.
  11. (noun) A seat of any kind.
  12. (noun) To clear of dregs and impurities by causing them to sink; to render pure or clear; -- said of a liquid; as, to settle coffee, or the grounds of coffee.
  13. (noun) To adjust, as accounts; to liquidate; to balance; as, to settle an account.
  14. (noun) Hence, to pay; as, to settle a bill.
  15. (noun) To place in a fixed or permanent condition; to make firm, steady, or stable; to establish; to fix; esp., to establish in life; to fix in business, in a home, or the like.
  16. (v. i.) To sink gradually to a lower level; to subside, as the foundation of a house, etc.
  17. (v. i.) To become fixed or permanent; to become stationary; to establish one's self or itself; to assume a lasting form, condition, direction, or the like, in place of a temporary or changing state.
  18. (noun) To cause to be no longer in a disturbed condition; to render quiet; to still; to calm; to compose.
  19. (v. i.) To fix one's residence; to establish a dwelling place or home; as, the Saxons who settled in Britain.
  20. (noun) A bench; especially, a bench with a high back.
  21. (noun) To restore or bring to a smooth, dry, or passable condition; -- said of the ground, of roads, and the like; as, clear weather settles the roads.
  22. (v. i.) To sink to the bottom; to fall to the bottom, as dregs of a liquid, or the sediment of a reserveir.
  23. (v. i.) To become clear after being turbid or obscure; to clarify by depositing matter held in suspension; as, the weather settled; wine settles by standing.
  24. (v. i.) To become calm; to cease from agitation.
  25. (v. i.) To adjust differences or accounts; to come to an agreement; as, he has settled with his creditors.

Settle tanım:

Kelime: set·tle
Söyleniş: 'se-t&l
İşlev: verb
Türleri: set·tled; set·tling /'set-li[ng], 'se-t&l-i[ng]/
Kökeni: Middle English, to seat, bring to rest, come to rest, from Old English setlan, from setl seat
transitive senses
1 : to place so as to stay
2 a : to establish in residence b : to furnish with inhabitants : COLONIZE
3 a : to cause to pack down b : to clarify by causing dregs or impurities to sink
4 : to make quiet or orderly
5 a : to fix or resolve conclusively settle the question b : to establish or secure permanently settle the order of royal succession c : to conclude (a lawsuit) by agreement between parties usually out of court d : to close (as an account) by payment often of less than is due
6 : to arrange in a desired position
7 : to make or arrange for final disposition of settled his affairs
8 of an animal : IMPREGNATE
intransitive senses
1 : to come to rest
2 a : to sink gradually or to the bottom b : to become clear by the deposit of sediment or scum c : to become compact by sinking
3 a : to become fixed, resolved, or established a cold settled in his chest b : to establish a residence or colony settled in Wisconsin -- often used with down
4 a : to become quiet or orderly b : to take up an ordered or stable life -- often used with down marry and settle down
5 a : to adjust differences or accounts b : to come to a decision -- used with on or upon settled on a new plan c : to conclude a lawsuit by agreement out of court
6 of an animal : CONCEIVE
synonym see DECIDE
- set·tle·able /'se-t&l-&-b&l, 'set-l&-b&l/ adjective
- settle for : to be content with
- settle one's hash : to silence or subdue someone by decisive action
- settle the stomach : to remove or relieve the distress or nausea of indigestion

Settle ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Adjudicate, Conciliate, Decide, Descend, Determine, Ensconce, Fall, Halt, Locate, Reconcile, Resolve, Root, Settee, Sink, Subside,

Settle ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Float, Swim,


İngilizce Settle kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. banco
v. establecer, colocar, fundar, instalar; poner en orden, arreglar, liquidar; decidir, dirimir, resolver; arraigarse; poblar; sedimentar


İngilizce Settle kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. banquette en bois avec un dossier
v. arranger; établir; installer; peupler; coloniser; fixer; déterminer; établir domicile


İngilizce Settle kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Ruhesitz, lange Holzbank, Bank mit hoher Rückenlehne
v. ordnen; niederlassen; anordnen; besiedeln; festsetzen; zahlen, bezahlen; sich niederlassen, sich ansiedeln; sich beruhigen; sich legen


İngilizce Settle kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. (Arred) panca con schienale alto, cassapanca con schienale alto
v. sistemare, mettere, posare; accomodare; calmare, acquietare; (fam) mettere a posto, richiamare all'ordine; fissare, stabilire, concordare; appianare, risolvere, comporre, definire; mettere in ordine


İngilizce Settle kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. sofá, poltrona, banco
v. arrumar; assentar; concordar, resolver, esclarecer; popular; estabelecer, determinar; pagar, saldar, liquidar, ajustar (contas); colonizar; acalmar, tranqüilizar


f. konmak, tünemek, çökelmek, yerleşmek, çökmek, oturmak, ayak uydurmak, adapte olmak, uyum sağlamak, hafiflemek, yatışmak, durulmak, berraklaşmak, bastırmak, dibe oturmak, karar vermek, karar kılmak, yetinmek, yerleştirmek, yerine getirmek, süzmek, yatı
i. tahta kanape, bank, sıra


İngilizce Settle kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. een bank met hoge leuning
ww. regelen; bijleggen; regeling treffen; bevolken; vaststellen; betalen; vestigen, koloniseren; wonen; (be)landen


n. bench with arm rests and a high back (usually made of wood)
v. arrange; resolve, clear up; put in order; determine; pay a debt or bill; populate, fill with inhabitants; inhabit, establish a residence; sink to the bottom; calm, quiet; come to rest, land

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