1. anlamı zVenus mercenaround dance vals gibi dönerek yapıla, round clam yenilir bir deniz tarağı; dolgun; değirmi, yuvarlak; çekinmesiz, açık; hayli, yuvarlak çok; çabuk, süratli, atik; silindir şeklinde; toparlak, küresel, top. 2. anlamı sabıkalı adam, tembel ve ayyaş kirounders i, İng beysbola benzer bir oyun, külhanbeyi; yuvarlaklaştırıcı alet. 3. anlamı yuvarlatıcı.
Rounder İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Rounder anlamları
(noun) An English game somewhat resembling baseball; also, another English game resembling the game of fives, but played with a football.
(noun) A tool for making an edge or surface round.
(noun) One who rounds; one who comes about frequently or regularly.
Rounder tanım:
Kelime: round Söyleniş:raund İşlev:adjective Kökeni: Middle English, from Old French roont, from Latin rotundus -- more at ROTUND 1 a (1) : having every part of the surface or circumference equidistant from the center (2) : CYLINDRICAL a round peg b : approximately round a round face 2 : well filled out : PLUMP, SHAPELY 3 a: COMPLETE, FULL a round dozen a round ton b : approximately correct; especially : exact only to a specific decimal or place use the round number 1400 for the exact figure 1411 c : substantial in amount : AMPLE a good round price -- T. B. Costain 4 : direct in utterance : OUTSPOKEN a round oath 5 : moving in or forming a circle 6 a : brought to completion or perfection : FINISHEDb : presented with lifelike fullness or vividness 7 : delivered with a swing of the arm a round blow 8 a : having full or unimpeded resonance or tone : SONOROUSb : pronounced with rounded lips : LABIALIZED 9 : of or relating to handwriting predominantly curved rather than angular - round·ness /'raun(d)-n&s/ noun