Followed İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Followed anlamları
- (imp. & p. p.) of Follow
Followed tanım:
Kelime: fol·low
Söyleniş: 'fä-(")lO
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English folwen, from Old English folgian; akin to Old High German folgEn to follow
transitive senses
1 : to go, proceed, or come after followed the guide
2 a : to engage in as a calling or way of life : PURSUE wheat-growing is generally followed here b : to walk or proceed along follow a path
3 a : to be or act in accordance with follow directions b : to accept as authority : OBEY followed his conscience
4 a : to pursue in an effort to overtake b : to seek to attain follow knowledge
5 : to come into existence or take place as a result or consequence of disaster followed the blunder
6 a : to come or take place after in time, sequence, or order b : to cause to be followed followed dinner with a liqueur
7 : to copy after : IMITATE
8 a : to watch steadily followed the flight of the ball b : to keep the mind on follow a speech c : to attend closely to : keep abreast of followed his career with interest d : to understand the sense or logic of (as a line of thought)
intransitive senses
1 : to go or come after a person or thing in place, time, or sequence
2 : to result or occur as a consequence, effect, or inference
- as follows : as comes next -- used impersonally
- follow one's nose 1 : to go in a straight or obvious course 2 : to proceed without plan or reflection : obey one's instincts
- follow suit 1 : to play a card of the same suit as the card led 2 : to follow an example set
synonyms FOLLOW, SUCCEED, ENSUE, SUPERVENE mean to come after something or someone. FOLLOW may apply to a coming after in time, position, or logical sequence speeches followed the dinner . SUCCEED implies a coming after immediately in a sequence determined by natural order, inheritance, election, or laws of rank she succeeded her father as head of the business . ENSUE commonly suggests a logical consequence or naturally expected development after the talk a general discussion ensued . SUPERVENE suggests the following or beginning of something unforeseen or unpredictable supervening events brought unhappiness to him . synonym see in addition CHASE
İngilizce Followed kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.[follow] v. seguir, ir detrás de, venir detrás de; obedecer; subseguir; entender; prestar atención a; copiar, emular
İngilizce Followed kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.[follow] v. suivre, poursuivre; aller le long de; suivre (une règle); obéir; découler; s'occuper; comprendre
İngilizce Followed kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.[follow] v. folgen, verstehen; verfolgen; entlanggehen; achten; beachten; nachgehen
İngilizce Followed kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.[follow] v. seguire, andare dietro a; inseguire; venir dopo; succedere a, subentrare a; attenersi a; andare lungo; essere la conseguenza di, derivare da; accompagnare; tenersi informato su; capire, comprendere
İngilizce Followed kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.[follow] v. seguir; ir atrás de, acompanhar, vir depois de, perseguir; suceder; imitar; obedecer; compreender; resultar
[follow] f. izlemek, takip etmek, uymak, dinlemek, sürdürmek, sonra gelmek, sonucu olmak, dolayı olmakFollowed
İngilizce Followed kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.[follow] ww. volgen, opvolgen; begrijpen; achter iemand aangaan; achtervolgen; zich gedragen volgens; eruit voorkomen