Tarihi ...
Verilog 2001
Verilog 2005
Merhaba dünya programına örnek profram:module main;initialbegin$display("Merhaba dunya!");$finish;endendmodule
İki flip-flop olayına basit bir örnek:
module toplevel(clock,reset);input clock;input reset;
reg flop1;reg flop2;
always @ (posedge reset or posedge clock)if (reset)beginflop1 <= 0;flop2 <= 1;endelsebeginflop1 <= flop2;flop2 <= flop1;endendmodule
Devre akımlarını sayan bir örnek:
module Div20x (rst, clk, cet, cep, count,tc); // TITLE `Divide-by-20 Counter with enables` // enable CEP is a clock enable only // enable CET is a clock enable and // enables the TC output // a counter using the Verilog language
parameter size = 5; parameter length = 20;
input rst; // These inputs/outputs represent input clk; // connections to the module. input cet; input cep;
output [1] count; output tc;
reg [2] count; // Signals assigned// within an always// (or initial)block// must be of type reg
wire tc; // Other signals are of type wire
// The always statement below is a parallel // execution statement that // executes any time the signals // rst or clk transition from low to high
always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)if (rst) // This causes reset of the cntrcount <= 5`b0;elseif (cet && cep) // Enables both truebeginif (count == length-1)count <= 5`b0;elsecount <= count + 5`b1; // 5`b1 is 5 bitsend // wide and equal// to the value 1.
// the value of tc is continuously assigned // the value of the expression assign tc = (cet && (count == length-1));
gecikmelere örnek:
... reg a, b, c, d; wire e; ... always @(b or e)begina = b & e;b = a | b;#5 c = b;d = #6 c ^ e;end