1. anlamı unreliablygüvenilmez surette, inanılmaz, güvenilmez, unreliabilitygüvenilmezlik, güvenilmez.2. anlamı güvenilmez.
to Other People". The New York Times. 19 Ocak 1992. ^ "Historicizing unreliable narration: unreliability and cultural". 7 Ocak 2008 tarihinde kaynağından...
Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies (2016) Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide (2016) Fantastik Canavarlar Nelerdir, Nerede Bulunurlar? (senaryo)...
J. K. Rowling, 1965, 31 Temmuz, Bristol, Harry Potter, Londra, Portekiz, İngiltere, Jorge Arantesles-Mac-Subscribers-Top-100-000.html ^ http://www.cultofmac.com/67059/unreliable-mobileme-remains-a-hobby-for-apple-opinion/ ^ https://www.macobserver...
Apple, MobileMe, Mobile Service, iPhone, internet, mail, music, video, calendarss. 67–8. ^ a b c d e MacMillan 2013, s. 518. ^ Simpson, John (2010). Unreliable Sources: How the Twentieth Century Was Reported. Pan Macmillan. s. 105...
propaganda in more modern times. Descriptions of battles by leaders may be unreliable due to the inclination to minimize mention of failures and exaggerate...
Askerí® tarih, Abbasiler, Akadlar, Antik Mısır, Antik tarih, Antik çağlarda savaş, Avrupa, Ayaklanma, Babil, Barutlu silahlarla savaş, Bizanslılarand an often painful adjustment to a hostland whose hospitality was unreliable and ephemeral. It also connoted the existence on foreign soil of an expatriate...
Musevi, Abraham ibn Ezra, Aramice, Asur, David, Eski Antlaşma, Haham, Hamursuz Bayramı, Hanuka, Hazan, Humaşbecause I seem to have this problem in my life with unreliable people. Don't be an unreliable person, Tommy, please. Do us both a favor. I'm looking...
Entreaty ????—?? 2:22 4. Acceptability ???????? 0:36 5. Force ??—? 1:35 6. Unreliable Friends ????—??·???? 0:26 7. Contract ????? 1:32 8. Critical Moment ?...
Ah! Tanrıçam Müzikleri, 2000, Ah! My Goddess (TV), Ah! My Goddess (TV series), Ah! My Goddess The Movie, Ah! Tanrıçam, Ah! Tanrıçam bölümleri listesi, Belldandy, Goddess Family Club, Japonca, Kanji