Trebucket İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Trebucket anlamları
- (noun) A kind of balance for weighing.
- (noun) A military engine used in the Middle Ages for throwing stones, etc. It acted by means of a great weight fastened to the short arm of a lever, which, being let fall, raised the end of the long arm with great velocity, hurling stones with much force.
- (noun) A cucking stool; a tumbrel.
Trebucket tanım:
Kelime: treb·u·chet
Söyleniş: "tre-by&-'shet, -b&-, -'chet
Variant(s): or treb·uc·ket

İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English trebochet, from Middle French trebuchet
: a medieval military engine for hurling heavy missiles (as rocks)