

1. anlamı tightlysıkı, kısaltılmış sımsıkı; zorluk çeken; gergin, s, sıkı; tedariki güç; tıkanmış; dar; sızmaz, akmaz, su geçmez; sıkı gerilmiş kesat; sarhoş; ucu ucuna; k, dili eli sıkı, cimri; dili müşkül, zor, k; sıkışık.
2. anlamı sıkılık.
3. anlamı darlik. s*kilik. gerginlik.


Tightness İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Tightness anlamları

  1. (noun) The quality or condition of being tight.

Tightness tanım:

Kelime: tight
Söyleniş: 'tIt
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: alteration of earlier thight close set, dense, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse thEttr tight; akin to Middle High German dIhte thick, Sanskrit tanakti it causes to coagulate
1 a : so close in structure as to prevent passage or escape (as of liquid, gas, or light) a tight ship a tight seal -- compare LIGHTPROOF, WATERTIGHT b : fitting very close to the body tight jeans ; also : too snug tight shoes c (1) : closely packed : very full a tight bale of hay (2) : barely allowing time for completion a tight schedule tight deadlines d : having elements close together a tight formation a tight line of type e : allowing little or no room for free motion or movement a tight connection a tight crawl space ; also : having a small radius a tight turn
2 a : strongly fixed or held : SECURE a tight jar lid a tight grip on the ladder b (1) : not slack or loose : TAUT kept the reins tight a tight knot a tight drumhead ; also : marked by firmness and muscle tone a tight stomach (2) : marked by unusual tension (as in the face or body) lips tight with anger a family tight with fear
3 chiefly dialect a : CAPABLE, COMPETENT b : having a graceful or shapely form : COMELY
4 a : difficult to cope with in a tight spot financially b : relatively difficult to obtain money is tight just now ; also : characterized by such difficulty a tight job market c : not liberal in giving : STINGY tight with a penny
5 : characterized by little difference in the relative positions of contestants with respect to final outcome : CLOSE a tight race for mayor
6 : somewhat drunk
7 a : characterized by firmness or strictness in control or application or in attention to details tight zoning codes tight security ran a tight newsroom keeps a tight hand on her investments b : marked by control or discipline in expression or style : having little or no extraneous matter tight writing c : characterized by a polished style and precise arrangements in music performance
8 : having a close personal or working relationship : INTIMATE in tight with the boss
9 : being such that the subject fills the frame filming a tight close-up
- tight·ly adverb
- tight·ness noun

Tightness ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Closeness, Meanness, Niggardliness, Niggardness, Parsimony, Stringency,

Tightness ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Looseness, Play,


İngilizce Tightness kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. estrechez, premiosidad, tirantez


İngilizce Tightness kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. force, vigueur; étanchéité, étroitesse; raideur; oppression


İngilizce Tightness kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Straffheit, Festigkeit, Dichtigkeit


İngilizce Tightness kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. saldezza, solidità, fermezza; tensione, l'essere teso; tenuta, ermeticità; (Econ) scarsità di denaro


İngilizce Tightness kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. firmeza; tensão, estar apertado


i. sıkılık, gerginlik, darlık, azlık, yokluk, kesatlık, zorluk, geçirmezlik, sızdırmazlık


İngilizce Tightness kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. nauwheid, engheid


n. strength; trouble, misfortunes