Tcp ve Udp Port Numaraları Listesi

Genel olarak kullanılan 0 ve 4000arası Portlar

(Registered) Ports 1024 to 49151

{| class="wikitable" ! Port || Description || Status |- | 1080/tcp|| SOCKS proxy||Official |- | 1099/tcp|| RMI Registry ||Official |- | 1099/udp|| RMI Registry ||Official |- | 1194/udp|| OpenVPN ||Official |- | 1198/tcp & udp|| The cajo project Free dynamic transparent distributed computing in Java ||Official |- | 1214/tcp|| Kazaa ||Official |- | 1223/tcp+udp|| TGP: "TrulyGlobal Protocol" aka "The Gur Protocol" || Official |- | 1337/tcp|| DNS (not to be confused with standard DNS port). Often used on compromised/infected computers - "1337" a "Leet speak" version of "Elite". See unregistered use below.||Official |- bgcolor="#FFEBAD" | 1337/tcp || WASTE Encrypted File Sharing Program || Unofficial, Conflict |- | 1352/tcp|| IBM Lotus Notes/Domino RPC||Official |- | 1387/tcp|| Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM (cadsi-lm ) ||Official |- | 1387/udp|| Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM (cadsi-lm ) ||Official |- | 1414/tcp|| IBM MQSeries||Official |- | 1433/tcp|| Microsoft SQL database system||Official |- | 1434/tcp|| Microsoft SQL Monitor||Official |- | 1434/udp|| Microsoft SQL Monitor||Official |- | 1494/tcp|| Citrix MetaFrame ICA Client||Official |- bgcolor="#FFEBAD" | 1521/tcp || Oracle database default listener - CONFLICT with registered use: nCube License Manager || Unofficial, Conflict |- | 1547/tcp || Laplink || Official |- | 1547/udp || Laplink || Official |- | 1723/tcp || Microsoft PPTP VPN || Official |- | 1723/udp || Microsoft PPTP VPN || Official |- |- bgcolor="#FFEBAD" | 1761/tcp || Novell Zenworks Remote Control utility - CONFLICT with registered use: cft-0 || Unofficial, Conflict |- | 1863/tcp|| MSN Messenger||Official |- | 1900/udp || Microsoft SSDP Enables discovery of UPnP devices||Official |- | 1935/tcp || Macromedia Flash Communications Server MX||Official |- | 1984/tcp|| Big Brother - network monitoring tool||Official |- | 2000/udp || Cisco SCCP || Official |- | 2000/tcp || Cisco SCCP || Official |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 2030 || Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server || Unofficial |- | 2031/tcp || mobrien-chat - Mike O'Brien November 2004 || Official |- | 2031/udp || mobrien-chat - Mike O'Brien November 2004 || Official |- bgcolor="#FFEBAD" | 2082/tcp || CPanel's default port - CONFLICT with registered use: Infowave Mobility Server || Unofficial, Conflict |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 2083/tcp || CPanel's default port for SSL connections || Unofficial |- |- bgcolor="#FFEBAD" | 2086/tcp || WebHost Manager's default port - CONFLICT with registered use: GNUnet || Unofficial, Conflict |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 2087/tcp || WebHost Manager's default port for SSL connections || Unofficial |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 2095/tcp || CPanel's default port for webmail connections || Unofficial |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 2096/tcp || CPanel's default port for webmail connections via SSL connections || Unofficial |- | 2181/tcp|| EForward-document transport system|| Official |- | 2181/udp|| EForward-document transport system|| Official |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 2222/tcp|| DirectAdmin's default port|| Unofficial |- | 2427/udp|| Cisco MGCP||Official |- | 2447/tcp|| ovwdb - OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) daemon || Official |- | 2447/udp|| ovwdb - OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) daemon || Official |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 2710/tcp|| XBT Bittorrent Tracker || Unofficial |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 2710/udp|| XBT Bittorrent Tracker experimental UDP tracker extension || Unofficial |- | 2809/tcp|| IBM WebSphere Application Server Node Agent || Unofficial |- | 2967/udp||Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition || Unofficial |- | 3050/udp|| gds_db ||Official |- | 3050/tcp|| gds_db ||Official |- | 3074/tcp/udp|| Xbox Live ||Official |- | 3128/tcp|| HTTP used by web caches and the default port for the Squid cache||Official |- | 3306/tcp|| MySQL Database system||Official |- | 3389/tcp|| Microsoft Terminal Server (RDP) officially registered as Windows Based Terminal (WBT)||Official |- | 3396/tcp|| Novell NDPS Printer Agent||Official |- | 3689/tcp|| DAAP Digital Audio Access Protocol used by Apple's ITunes||Official |- | 3690/tcp|| Subversion version control system||Official |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 3724/tcp|| World of Warcraft Online gaming MMORPG||Unofficial |- | 3784/tcp|| Ventrilo VoIP program used by Ventrilo||Official |- | 3785/udp|| Ventrilo VoIP program used by Ventrilo||Official |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" |- | 4500/udp|| NAT_traversal - use IPsec||Official |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 4662/tcp|| eMule - port often used||Unofficial |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 4672/udp|| eMule - port often used||Unofficial |- | 4894/tcp|| LysKOM Protocol A ||Official |- | 4899/tcp|| RAdmin remote administration tool (often Trojan horse)||Official |- bgcolor="#FFEBAD" | 5000/tcp || Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) - Windows network device interoperability; CONFLICT with registered use: commplex-main || Unofficial, Conflict |- | 5003/tcp || Filemaker Filemaker Pro || Official |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 5121|| Neverwinter Nights and its mods, such as Dungeon Eternal X || Unofficial |- | 5190/tcp|| AOL AOL Anlık Mesajlaşma||Resmi |- | 5222/tcp|| XMPP/Jabber - kullanıcı girişli protokol||Resmi |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 5223/tcp || XMPP/Jabber - SSL Kullanıcı girişi için varsayılan port || Gayri-Resmi |- | 5269/tcp|| XMPP/Jabber - sunucu bağlantısı||Resmi |- | 5432/tcp|| PostgreSQL veritabanı sistemi||Resmi |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 5517/tcp || Setiqueue SETI@Home projesi için Proxy sunucusu istemcisi || Unofficial |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 5800/tcp || HTTP altında Uzak Masaüstü bağlantı protokolü|| Gayri-Resmi |-bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 5900/tcp || ARD/VNC remote desktop protocol - regular port || Unofficial |- | 6000/tcp|| X11 - used between an X client and server over the network||Official |- bgcolor="#FFEBAD" | 6112/udp || Blizzard's gaming service - CONFLICT with registered use: "dtspcd" is a network daemon that accepts requests from clients to execute commands and launch applications remotely || Unofficial, Conflict |- | 6346/tcp|| Gnutella Dosya paylaşım (Bearshare, Limewire vd.)||Resmi |- | 6347/udp|| Gnutella||Official |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 6600/tcp|| mpd - default port that mpd listens for client connects on||Unofficial |- bgcolor="#BBBBFF" | 6667/tcp|| IRC (Eş zamanlı sohbet - IRC) - port often used||Uno |- | 9009/tcp|| Pichat - Peer to peer chat software||Resmi



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