1. anlamı sendikacılık, syndicalbu hareketle ilgili, özellikle genel greve giderek üretim vasıtalarını işçi örgütlerine devretmeye çalışan siyasi hareket. 2. anlamı sendikacı, sendikacı.
Syndicalist İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Syndicalist anlamları
(noun) One who advocates or practices syndicalism.
Syndicalist tanım:
Kelime: syn·di·cal·ism Söyleniş:'sin-di-k&-"li-z&m İşlev:noun Kökeni: French syndicalisme, from chambre syndicale trade union 1 : a revolutionary doctrine by which workers seize control of the economy and the government by direct means (as a general strike) 2 : a system of economic organization in which industries are owned and managed by the workers 3 : a theory of government based on functional rather than territorial representation - syn·di·cal·ist /-list/ adjective or noun