

1. anlamı jartiyer; destekçi, bileklik; yardımcı; askı; taraftar.
2. anlamı taraftar. savunucu.


Supporter İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Supporter anlamları

  1. (noun) A figure, sometimes of a man, but commonly of some animal, placed on either side of an escutcheon, and exterior to it. Usually, both supporters of an escutcheon are similar figures.
  2. (noun) A knee placed under the cathead.
  3. (noun) A broad band or truss for supporting the abdomen or some other part or organ.
  4. (noun) One who, or that which, supports; as, oxygen is a supporter of life.
  5. (noun) Especially, an adherent; one who sustains, advocates, and defends; as, the supporter of a party, faction, or candidate.

Supporter tanım:

Kelime: sup·port·er
İşlev: noun
: one that supports or acts as a support : as a : ADHERENT, PARTISAN b : one of two figures (as of men or animals) placed one on each side of an escutcheon and exterior to it c : GARTER 1 d : ATHLETIC SUPPORTER

Supporter ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Admirer, Assistant, Booster, Champion, Friend, Garter, Help, Helper, Patron, Protagonist, Sponsor,