(noun) The state of being covered and protected; protection; security.
(v. t.) To screen or cover from notice; to disguise.
(noun) That which covers or defends from injury or annoyance; a protection; a screen.
(v. t.) To betake to cover, or to a safe place; -- used reflexively.
(v. t.) To be a shelter for; to provide with a shelter; to cover from injury or annoyance; to shield; to protect.
(v. i.) To take shelter.
Shelter tanım:
Kelime: shel·ter Söyleniş:'shel-t&r İşlev:noun Kökeni: origin unknown 1 a : something that covers or affords protection a bomb shelterb : an establishment providing food and shelter (as to the homeless) c : an establishment that houses and feeds stray animals 2 : a position or the state of being covered and protected took shelter - shel·ter·less /-l&s/ adjective
İngilizce Shelter kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. abri, refuge, lieu sûr; endroit protégé; protection, sécurité; gîte, asile
v. abriter, réfugier; déclarer confidentiel, trouver un abri; patronner; défendre, couvrir
İngilizce Shelter kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Schutz; Schutzdach; Unterstand; Keller
v. (be) schützen; (be) schirmen; Zuflucht gewähren; Schutz suchen
İngilizce Shelter kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. protezione, riparo, difesa, schermo; ricovero, rifugio; (Mil) rifugio antiaereo; appoggio, sostegno; asilo, tetto, alloggio; ospizio
v. riparare, offrire rifugio a, proteggere, essere un riparo per; (fig) difendere, mettere al riparo; dare rifugio a, offrire ricovero a
İngilizce Shelter kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. abrigo, cobertura
v. abrigar; resguardar; asilar; acolher; encobrir; proteger, defender
f. korumak, barındırmak, saklamak, yatırmak, barınmak, korunmak
i. barınak, sığınak, sundurma, siper
İngilizce Shelter kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. schuilplaats
ww. schuilkelder
n. refuge, secure location, protected place; protection, safety; building which temporarily houses homeless people or animals
v. give refuge, provide a safe haven; seek protection; protect, defend, screen, cover