1. anlamı yeniletamir etonartazelemek. 2. anlamı yenilemek. onarmak.
Renovate İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Renovate anlamları
(v. t.) To make over again; to restore to freshness or vigor; to renew.
Renovate tanım:
Kelime: ren·o·vate Söyleniş:'re-n&-"vAt İşlev:transitive verb Türleri:-vat·ed; -vat·ing Kökeni: Latin renovatus, past participle of renovare, from re- novare to make new, from novus new -- more at NEW 1 : to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding) 2 : to restore to life, vigor, or activity : REVIVE the church was renovated by a new ecumenical spirit synonym see RENEW - ren·o·va·tion /"re-n&-'vA-sh&n/ noun - ren·o·va·tive /'re-n&-"vA-tiv/ adjective - ren·o·va·tor /-"vA-t&r/ noun