

1. anlamı s., i. açık, içine girilir, serbest; kabule hazır; açık (hava), uygun; den. sisli olmayan; hazır; samimi, açık yürekli; ask. arasında mesafe olan; müz. kısık olmayan, boğuk olmayan, dolgun sesli; dilb. ses or- ganları nispeten açık olarak söylene.
2. anlamı açık. etrafı çevrilmemiş. (giysi.vb.) açık. iliklenmemiş. çözümlenmemiş. askıda. içten. dürüst. samimi. herkese açık. girişi serbest. kullanıma hazır. açmak. açılmak. açık hava.


Open tanım:

Kelime: open
Söyleniş: 'O-p&n, -p&m
İşlev: adjective
Türleri: open·er /'Op-n&r, 'O-p&-/; open·est /'Op-n&st, 'O-p&-/
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German offan open, Old English up up
1 : having no enclosing or confining barrier : accessible on all or nearly all sides cattle grazing on an open range
2 a (1) : being in a position or adjustment to permit passage : not shut or locked an open door (2) : having a barrier (as a door) so adjusted as to allow passage the house was open b : having the lips parted stood there with his mouth wide open c : not buttoned or zipped an open shirt
3 a : completely free from concealment : exposed to general view or knowledge their hostilities eventually erupted with open war b : exposed or vulnerable to attack or question : SUBJECT open to doubt
4 a : not covered with a top, roof, or lid an open car her eyes were open b : having no protective covering open wiring an open wound
5 : not restricted to a particular group or category of participants open to the public open housing : as a : enterable by both amateur and professional contestants an open tournament b : enterable by a registered voter regardless of political affiliation an open primary
6 : fit to be traveled over : presenting no obstacle to passage or view the open road open country
7 : having the parts or surfaces laid out in an expanded position : spread out : UNFOLDED an open book
8 a (1) : LOW 13 (2) : formed with the tongue in a lower position Italian has an open and a close e b (1) : having clarity and resonance unimpaired by undue tension or constriction of the throat an open vocal tone (2) of a tone : produced by an open string or on a wind instrument by the lip without the use of slides, valves, or keys
9 a : available to follow or make use of the only course open to us b : not taken up with duties or engagements keep an hour open on Friday c : not finally decided : subject to further consideration the salary is open an open question d : available for a qualified applicant : VACANT the job is still open e : remaining available for use or filling until canceled an open order for more items f : available for future purchase these items are in open stock
10 a : characterized by ready accessibility and usually generous attitude: as (1) : generous in giving (2) : willing to hear and consider or to accept and deal with : RESPONSIVE (3) : free from reserve or pretense : FRANK b : accessible to the influx of new factors (as foreign goods) an open market
11 a : having openings, interruptions, or spaces open mesh : as (1) : being porous and friable open soil (2) : sparsely distributed : SCATTERED open population (3) of a compound : having components separated by a space in writing or printing (as opaque projector) b : not made up of a continuous closed circuit of channels the insect circulatory system is open
12 a of an organ pipe : not stopped at the top b of a string on a musical instrument : not stopped by the finger
13 : being in operation an open microphone ; especially : ready for business, patronage, or use the store is open from 9 to 5 the new highway will be open next week
14 a (1) : characterized by lack of effective regulation of various commercial enterprises an open town (2) : not repressed by legal controls open gambling b : free from checking or hampering restraints an open economy c : relatively unguarded by opponents passed to an open teammate
15 : having been opened by a first ante, bet, or bid the bidding is open
16 of punctuation : characterized by sparing use especially of the comma
17 a : containing none of its endpoints an open interval b : being a set or composed of sets each point of which has a neighborhood all of whose points are contained in the set the interior of a sphere is an open set
18 a : being an incomplete electrical circuit b : not allowing the flow of electricity an open switch
synonym see FRANK, LIABLE
- open adverb
- open·ly /'O-p&n-lE/ adverb
- open·ness /-p&(n)-n&s/ noun


İngilizce Open kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. lugar abierto; aire libre; descampado, campo abierto
v. abrir, desenllavar; abrirse; librar de obstrucciones, desbloquear
adj. abierto, descubierto, destapado; accesible; franco, campechano, expansivo, flagrante, llano, sincero; despejado; manifiesto


İngilizce Open kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. le large; en plein air; à l'air libre
v. ouvrir; s'ouvrir; commencer; ouvrir (les yeux, les oreilles); entonner (un chant); écarter (les jambes)
adj. ouvert; franc; sincère; découvert; accessible; disponible


İngilizce Open kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. freies Gelände; Freiplatz
v. öffnen, eröffnen; aufmachen; entstehen; spreizen (Arme); beginnen
adj. offen; ausgesetzt sein; offen sein; frei sein (für etwas)


İngilizce Open kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. scoperto, aperto; aperta campagna; aria aperta; acque libere; (Sport) gara libera
v. aprire, schiudere, dischiudere; disfare, sciogliere; inaugurare; spiegare, allargare; sgombrare; fare un'apertura in; dare inizio a, cominciare, iniziare; illuminare, aprire gli occhi a; rivelare
agg. aperto; scoperto; libero, spazioso; pubblico, aperto a tutti, aperto al pubblico aperto, spiegato; nudo; (fig) manifesto, chiaro, palese; (fig) franco, schietto, sincero; di larghe vedute


İngilizce Open kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. lugar aberto; aberto; livre
v. abrir; descobrir; destampar; iniciar; inaugurar; ficar (de olho em alguém); rachar; cortar; aumentar; romper
adj. aberto; descoberto; livre; vago (trabalho); franco; exposto


f. açmak, açılmak, açtırmak, başlatmak, başlamak
i. açık
s. açık, serbest, geniş, dürüst, içten, karara bağlanmamış, ferah, kısık olmayan (ses)


Almanca Open kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. not closed; not sealed; exposed, vulnerable; honest, frank; receptive; unrestricted; spread out; accessible; available


Flemenkçe Open kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. open, overt, open-ended, unfortified, unoccudied


İngilizce Open kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. open, openlijk, openhartig, onbewimpeld, onverholen, blootgesteld, toegankelijk
zn. opening, veld : het open veld, veld : het vrije veld, sdeelruimte


n. spacious place; wilderness, outdoors; open air, fresh air; competition in which both professionals and amateurs may compete; state of being unconcealed
v. move to an open position; be moved to an open position; begin; clear from obstructions; lead out or into; spread out; unseal; expose; make vulnerable; become receptive; remove restrictions; make accessible; make available
adj. not closed; not sealed; exposed, vulnerable; honest, frank; receptive; unrestricted; spread out; accessible; available


Flemenkçe Open kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
1. (algemeen) ouvert; sans limites fixes; non déterminé2. (huid) à vif
3. (karakter) franc; ouvert
4. (gedrag) franc; sincère; ouvert; candide; droit; direct


Fransızca Open kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
adj. international, open, offen


Almanca Open kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. open

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