
Nuhalkça (kendilerince Nuxálk; İngilizce Nuxálk, Nuxalk, Bella Coola, Bellacoola), Kanada'nın Britanya Kolumbiyası eyaletindeki Bella Coola yöresinde yaşayan Nuhalklar tarafından konuşulan Saliş dilleri ailesinden tek başına grup oluşturan bir Kızılderili dilidir. 1991 sayımına göre 700 kişilik etnik nüfustan 2002 rakamına göre ancak 20 kişi anadillerini konuşabiliyor. Lehçeleri *KimsquitDean Channel *Tallheo/TalioTallheo, South Bentinck *Stuic (Stuie, Bella Coola) — Tweedsmuir Park *Kwalhna/KwatnaKing Adası




* * * Bruce Bagemihl (1998). Maximality in Bella Coola (Nuxalk). In E. Czaykowska-Higgins & M. D. Kinkade (Eds.), Salish Languages and Linguistics: Theoretical and Descriptive Perspectives (pp.71–98). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. * * * * Philip W. Davis & Ross Saunders (1978). Bella Coola Syntax. In E.-D. Cook & J. Kaye (Eds.), Linguistic Studies of Native Canada (pp.37–66). Vancouver: University of British Columbia. * * Philip W. Davis & Ross Saunders (1980). Bella Coola Texts. British Columbia Provincial Museum Heritage Record (No. 10). Victoria: British Columbia Provincial Museum. ISBN 0-7718-8206-8. * Philip W. Davis & Ross Saunders (1997). A Grammar of Bella Coola. University of Montana Occasional Papers in Linguistics (No. 13). Missoula, MT: University of Montana. ISBN 1-879763-13-3. * Forrest, Linda. (1994). The De-transitive Clause in Bella Coola: Passive Vs Inverse. In T. Givón (Ed.), Voice and Inversion (pp.147–168). Amsterdam: Benjamins. * Mithun, Marianne. (1999). The Languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23228-7 (hbk); ISBN 0-521-29875-X. * Montler, Timothy. (2004–2005). (Handouts on Salishan Language Family). * Nater, Hank F. (1977). Stem List of the Bella Coola language. Lisse: Peter de Ridder. * Nater, Hank F. (1984). The Bella Coola Language. Mercury Series; Canadian Ethnology Service (No. 92). Ottawa: National Museums of Canada. * Nater, Hank F. (1990). A Concise Nuxalk-English Dictionary. Mercury Series; Canadian Ethnology Service (No. 115). Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization. ISBN 0-660-10798-8. * Newman, Stanley. (1947). Bella Coola I: Phonology. International Journal of American Linguistics, 13, 129-134. * Newman, Stanley. (1969). Bella Coola Grammatical Processes and Form Classes. International Journal of American Linguistics, 35, 175-179. * Newman, Stanley. (1969). Bella Coola Paradigms. International Journal of American Linguistics, 37, 299-306. * Newman, Stanley. (1971). Bella Coola Reduplication. International Journal of American Linguistics, 37, 34-38. * Newman, Stanley. (1974). Language Retention and Diffusion in Bella Coola. Language in Society, 3, 201-214. * Newman, Stanley. (1976). Salish and Bella Coola Prefixes. International Journal of American Linguistics, 42, 228-242. * Newman, Stanley. (1989). Lexical Morphemes in Bella Coola. In M. R. Key & H. Hoenigswald (Eds.), General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In Remembrance of Stanley Newman (pp.289–301). Contributions to the Sociology of Language (No. 55). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 0-89925-519-1.

