Loris İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Loris anlamları
- (noun) Any one of several species of small lemurs of the genus Stenops. They have long, slender limbs and large eyes, and are arboreal in their habits. The slender loris (S. gracilis), of Ceylon, in one of the best known species.
Loris tanım:
Kelime: lo·ris
Söyleniş: 'lOr-&s, 'lor-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: French, probably from obsolete Dutch loeris simpleton
: any of several nocturnal slow-moving tailless arboreal primates (family Lorisidae): as a : a slim-bodied primate (Loris tardigradus) of southern India and Sri Lanka b : either of two larger related primates (Nycticebus pygmaeus or N. coucang) of southeastern Asia that are heavier limbed and slower moving
[loris illustration]