(v. t.) To enlighten intellectually; to illuminate; as, to irradiate the mind.
(v. t.) To throw rays of light upon; to illuminate; to brighten; to adorn with luster.
(v. t.) To radiate, shed, or diffuse.
Irradiate tanım:
Kelime: ir·ra·di·ate Söyleniş:i-'rA-dE-"At İşlev:verb Türleri:-at·ed; -at·ing Kökeni: Latin irradiatus, past participle of irradiare, from in- radius ray transitive senses 1 a : to cast rays of light upon : ILLUMINATEb : to enlighten intellectually or spiritually c : to affect or treat by radiant energy (as heat); specifically : to treat by exposure to radiation 2 : to emit like rays of light : RADIATEirradiating strength and comfort intransitive senses, archaic : to emit rays : SHINE - ir·ra·di·a·tive /-"A-tiv/ adjective - ir·ra·di·a·tor /-"A-t&r/ noun
v. radiate light; illuminate; make clear; expose to radiation
v. beam, irradiate, radiate, spread out
adj. irradiated, illuminated, lit up; exposed to radiation