Ironclad İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Ironclad anlamları
- (noun) A naval vessel having the parts above water covered and protected by iron or steel usually in large plates closely joined and made sufficiently thick and strong to resist heavy shot.
- (a.) Rigorous; severe; exacting; as, an ironclad oath or pledge.
- (a.) Clad in iron; protected or covered with iron, as a vessel for naval warfare.
Ironclad tanım:
Kelime: iron·clad
Söyleniş: -'klad
İşlev: adjective
1 : sheathed in iron armor -- used especially of naval vessels
2 : so firm or secure as to be unbreakable: as a : BINDING an ironclad oath b : having no obvious weakness an ironclad case against the defendant