(a.) Not tractable; not easily governed, managed, or directed; indisposed to be taught, disciplined, or tamed; violent; stubborn; obstinate; refractory; as, an intractable child.
Intractable tanım:
Kelime: in·trac·ta·ble Söyleniş:(")in-'trak-t&-b&l İşlev:adjective Kökeni: Latin intractabilis, from in- tractabilis tractable 1 : not easily governed, managed, or directed : OBSTINATE 2 : not easily manipulated or wrought intractable metal 3 : not easily relieved or cured intractable pain synonym see UNRULY - in·trac·ta·bil·i·ty /(")in-"trak-t&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun - in·trac·ta·bly /-blE/ adverb