Insect İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Insect anlamları
- (noun) Any air-breathing arthropod, as a spider or scorpion.
- (noun) Any small crustacean. In a wider sense, the word is often loosely applied to various small invertebrates.
- (a.) Of or pertaining to an insect or insects.
- (noun) Fig.: Any small, trivial, or contemptible person or thing.
- (a.) Like an insect; small; mean; ephemeral.
- (noun) One of the Insecta; esp., one of the Hexapoda. See Insecta.
Insect tanım:
Kelime: in·sect
Söyleniş: 'in-"sekt
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Latin insectum, from neuter of insectus, past participle of insecare to cut into, from in- secare to cut -- more at SAW
1 a : any of numerous small invertebrate animals (as spiders or centipedes) that are more or less obviously segmented b : any of a class (Insecta) of arthropods (as bugs or bees) with well-defined head, thorax, and abdomen, only three pairs of legs, and typically one or two pairs of wings
2 : a trivial or contemptible person
- insect adjective
[insect illustration]