Indulgence İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Indulgence anlamları
- (v. t.) To grant an indulgence to.
- (noun) Remission of the temporal punishment due to sins, after the guilt of sin has been remitted by sincere repentance; absolution from the censures and public penances of the church. It is a payment of the debt of justice to God by the application of the merits of Christ and his saints to the contrite soul through the church. It is therefore believed to diminish or destroy for sins the punishment of purgatory.
- (noun) The act of indulging or humoring; the quality of being indulgent; forbearance of restrain or control.
- (noun) An indulgent act; favor granted; gratification.
Indulgence tanım:
Kelime: in·dul·gence
Söyleniş: in-'d&l-j&n(t)s
İşlev: noun
1 : remission of part or all of the temporal and especially purgatorial punishment that according to Roman Catholicism is due for sins whose eternal punishment has been remitted and whose guilt has been pardoned (as through the sacrament of reconciliation)
2 : the act of indulging : the state of being indulgent
3 a : an indulgent act b : an extension of time for payment or performance granted as a favor
4 a : the act of indulging in something; especially : SELF-INDULGENCE b : something indulged in walk off gastronomic indulgences -- Barbara L. Michaels