() Not defensible; not capable of being defended, maintained, vindicated, or justified; unjustifiable; untenable; as, an indefensible fortress, position, cause, etc.
Indefensible tanım:
Kelime: in·de·fen·si·ble Söyleniş:-'fen(t)-s&-b&l İşlev:adjective 1 a : incapable of being maintained as right or valid : UNTENABLEb : incapable of being justified or excused : INEXCUSABLE 2 : incapable of being protected against physical attack - in·de·fen·si·bil·i·ty /-"fen(t)-s&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun - in·de·fen·si·bly /-'fen(t)-s&-blE/ adverb