(v. t.) To deprive of legal or constitutional requisites, or of ability or competency for the performance of certain civil acts; to disqualify.
(v. t.) To deprive of capacity or natural power; to disable; to render incapable or unfit; to disqualify; as, his age incapacitated him for war.
Incapacitate tanım:
Kelime: in·ca·pac·i·tate Söyleniş:"in-k&-'pa-s&-"tAt İşlev:transitive verb Türleri:-tat·ed; -tat·ing 1 : to make legally incapable or ineligible 2 : to deprive of capacity or natural power : DISABLE - in·ca·pac·i·ta·tion /-"pa-s&-'tA-sh&n/ noun