(noun) The fusion of a female germ cell (ovum) with a male germ cell (in animals, a spermatozoon) to form a single new cell endowed with the power of developing into a new individual; fertilization; fecundation.
(noun) Intimate mixture; influsion; saturation.
(noun) The act of impregnating or the state of being impregnated; fecundation.
(noun) An ore deposit, with indefinite boundaries, consisting of rock impregnated with ore.
Impregnation tanım:
Kelime: im·preg·nate Söyleniş:im-'preg-"nAt, 'im-" İşlev:transitive verb Türleri:-nat·ed; -nat·ing Kökeni: Late Latin impraegnatus, past participle of impraegnare, from Latin in- praegnas pregnant 1 a : to cause to be filled, imbued, permeated, or saturated b : to permeate thoroughly 2 : to make pregnant : FERTILIZE synonym see SOAK - im·preg·na·tion /(")im-"preg-'nA-sh&n/ noun - im·preg·na·tor /im-'preg-"nA-t&r, 'im-"/ noun