

1. anlamı (s)., (i). eksantrik, alışılagelmişin dışında; acayip, garip, tuhaf; (geom.) merkezleri aynı olmayan, merkezde olmayan, ekseni merkezden geçmeyen, dışmerkezli; (i). garip bir kişiliğe sahip olan kişi; alışılmamış ve garip görünüşlü şey; (mak.) ek.
2. anlamı tuhaf. ayrıksı. eksantrik. dış merkezli. eksantrik kimse.


Eccentric İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Eccentric anlamları

  1. (noun) A circle described about the center of an elliptical orbit, with half the major axis for radius.
  2. (noun) A disk or wheel so arranged upon a shaft that the center of the wheel and that of the shaft do not coincide. It is used for operating valves in steam engines, and for other purposes. The motion derived is precisely that of a crank having the same throw.
  3. (noun) In the Ptolemaic system, the supposed circular orbit of a planet about the earth, but with the earth not in its center.
  4. (a.) Not coincident as to motive or end.
  5. (noun) A circle not having the same center as another contained in some measure within the first.
  6. (a.) Pertaining to an eccentric; as, the eccentric rod in a steam engine.
  7. (a.) Deviating or departing from the center, or from the line of a circle; as, an eccentric or elliptical orbit; pertaining to deviation from the center or from true circular motion.
  8. (a.) Not having the same center; -- said of circles, ellipses, spheres, etc., which, though coinciding, either in whole or in part, as to area or volume, have not the same center; -- opposed to concentric.
  9. (noun) One who, or that which, deviates from regularity; an anomalous or irregular person or thing.
  10. (a.) Deviating from stated methods, usual practice, or established forms or laws; deviating from an appointed sphere or way; departing from the usual course; irregular; anomalous; odd; as, eccentric conduct.

Eccentric tanım:

Kelime: ec·cen·tric
Söyleniş: ik-'sen-trik, ek-
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Medieval Latin eccentricus, from Greek ekkentros, from ex out of kentron center
1 a : deviating from an established or usual pattern or style b : deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways
2 a : deviating from a circular path; especially : ELLIPTICAL 1 an eccentric orbit b : located elsewhere than at the geometrical center; also : having the axis or support so located an eccentric wheel
synonym see STRANGE
- ec·cen·tri·cal·ly /-tri-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Eccentric ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Bizarre, Case, Character, Flaky, Freakish, Outlandish, Outre, Type,

Eccentric ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Concentric, Concentrical, Homocentric,


İngilizce Eccentric kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. locazo, excéntrico, persona rara s. excéntrico, raro


İngilizce Eccentric kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. excentrique n. excentrique, bizarre adj. étrange, excentrique, bizarre, original


İngilizce Eccentric kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Exzentriker n. exzentrisch, ausfallend adj. komisch, ungewöhnlich, merkwürdig


İngilizce Eccentric kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. eccentrico, stravagante agg. eccentrico, stravagante, strampalato, bislacco, strambo, originale


İngilizce Eccentric kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. pessoa original, excêntrica s. estranho, diferente, original, excêntrico adj. excêntrico, esquisito, incomum


i. acayip tip, dış merkezli düzen s. eksantrik, dış merkezli, ekseni merkezden geçmeyen, acayip davranışlı, antika, alışılmadık, garip


İngilizce Eccentric kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. zonderling, excentriek zn. zonderling, excentriek, vreemd


n. strange or unusual person, odd character n. strange, odd, queer, unconventional adj. strange, unusual, odd

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