Dorian İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Dorian anlamları
- (a.) Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks of Doris; Doric; as, a Dorian fashion.
- (noun) A native or inhabitant of Doris in Greece.
- (a.) Same as Doric, 3.
Dorian tanım:
Kelime: Do·ri·an
Söyleniş: 'dOr-E-&n, 'dor-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Latin Dorius of Doris, from Greek dOrios, from DOris, region of ancient Greece
: a member of an ancient Hellenic race that completed the overthrow of Mycenaean civilization and settled especially in the Peloponnisos and Crete
- Dorian adjective