Dolly İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Dolly anlamları
- (noun) A compact, narrow-gauge locomotive used for moving construction trains, switching, etc.
- (noun) A tool with an indented head for shaping the head of a rivet.
- (noun) A small truck with a single wide roller used for moving heavy beams, columns, etc., in bridge building.
- (noun) In pile driving, a block interposed between the head of the pile and the ram of the driver.
- (noun) A contrivance, turning on a vertical axis by a handle or winch, and giving a circular motion to the ore to be washed; a stirrer.
- (noun) A child's mane for a doll.
Dolly tanım:
Kelime: dol·ly
Söyleniş: 'dä-lE, 'do-lE
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural dollies
1 : DOLL
2 : a wooden-pronged instrument for beating and stirring clothes in the process of washing them in a tub
3 : a compact narrow-gauge railroad locomotive for moving construction trains and for switching
4 a : a platform on a roller or on wheels or casters for moving heavy objects b : a wheeled platform for a television or motion-picture camera