Kelime: 2dis·tract Söyleniş:di-'strakt İşlev:transitive verb Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin distractus, past participle of distrahere, literally, to draw apart, from dis- trahere to draw 1 a : to turn aside : DIVERTb : to draw or direct (as one's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time 2 : to stir up or confuse with conflicting emotions or motives synonym see PUZZLE - dis·tract·i·bil·i·ty /-"strak-t&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun - dis·tract·ibleordis·tract·able /-'strak-t&-b&l/ adjective - dis·tract·ing·ly /-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb