

1. anlamı (f). yemeği çok biber ve baharatla hazırlamak veya kızartmak; makinada ezip parçalamak (paçavra); (k).dili canını sıkmak, üzmek. deviled ham bir çeşit ezme jambon, krakova.
2. anlamı (the ile) şeytan. kötü ruh.
3. anlamı (the ile) seytan. kötü ruh.


Devil İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Devil anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To make like a devil; to invest with the character of a devil.
  2. (v. t.) To grill with Cayenne pepper; to season highly in cooking, as with pepper.
  3. (noun) An evil spirit; a demon.
  4. (noun) A machine for tearing or cutting rags, cotton, etc.
  5. (noun) The Evil One; Satan, represented as the tempter and spiritual of mankind.
  6. (noun) A very wicked person; hence, any great evil.
  7. (noun) An expletive of surprise, vexation, or emphasis, or, ironically, of negation.
  8. (noun) A dish, as a bone with the meat, broiled and excessively peppered; a grill with Cayenne pepper.

Devil tanım:

Kelime: dev·il
Söyleniş: 'de-v&l dialect 'di-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English devel, from Old English dEofol, from Late Latin diabolus, from Greek diabolos, literally, slanderer, from diaballein to throw across, slander, from dia- ballein to throw; probably akin to Sanskrit gurate he lifts up
1 often capitalized : the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Jewish and Christian belief as the tempter of mankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell -- usually used with the; often used as an interjection, an intensive, or a generalized term of abuse what the devil is this? the devil you say!
2 : an evil spirit : DEMON
3 a : an extremely wicked person : FIEND b archaic : a great evil
4 : a person of notable energy, recklessness, and dashing spirit; also : one who is mischievous those kids are little devils today
5 : FELLOW -- usually used in the phrases poor devil, lucky devil
6 a : something very trying or provoking having a devil of a time with this problem b : severe criticism or rebuke : HELL -- used with the I'll probably catch the devil for this
8 Christian Science : the opposite of Truth : a belief in sin, sickness, and death : EVIL, ERROR
- between the devil and the deep blue sea : faced with two equally objectionable alternatives
- devil to pay : severe consequences -- used with the

Devil ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Annoy, Beelzebub, Bother, Chafe, Daemon, Demon, Deuce, Dickens, Fiend, Gravel, Irritate, Lucifer, Monster, Nettle, Ogre, Rag, Rile, Satan, Vex,


İngilizce Devil kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. diablo, demonio, diantre, espíritu maligno
v. sazonar con picante


İngilizce Devil kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. diable, démon
v. agacer, torturer


İngilizce Devil kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Teufel, Dämon
v. verteufeln, mißhandeln


İngilizce Devil kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. satana, diavolo, demonio; (fig) essere diabolico; diavoletto; disgraziato; (Gastr) pietanza molto piccante
v. (Gastr) preparare con molte spezie


İngilizce Devil kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. diabo, demônio
v. infernizar, torturar


f. rahatsız etmek, canını sıkmak; baharatlı ve acılı pişirmek; makinede parçalamak (bez, kâgit); avukat stajeri olarak çalışmak; yazar çırağı olarak çalışmak
i. şeytan, iblis; canlı ve dinamik kimse; şeytan gibi tip; acı ve baharatlı yemek; stajyer avukat


İngilizce Devil kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. duivel; geest, spook
ww. lastig vallen, martelen


n. evil spirit, demon
v. harass, tease

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