1. anlamı (i)., (mak). çalar saatin tetiği, tetik, kol, düğme. 2. anlamı tetik. mandal.
Detent İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Detent anlamları
(noun) That which locks or unlocks a movement; a catch, pawl, or dog; especially, in clockwork, the catch which locks and unlocks the wheelwork in striking.
Detent tanım:
Kelime: de·tent Söyleniş:'dE-"tent, di-' İşlev:noun Kökeni: French détente, from Middle French destente, from destendre to slacken, from Old French, from des- de- tendre to stretch, from Latin tendere -- more at THIN : a device (as a catch, dog, or spring-operated ball) for positioning and holding one mechanical part in relation to another so that the device can be released by force applied to one of the parts