
Core Haritası


1. anlamı (i). elma gibi meyvaların çekirdek yeri, göbek, iç, nüve, öz, esas; zıvana; (mak). maça parçası; (mad). derinden alınan yuvarlak sutun şeklinde taş numunesi; (jeol). öz. core curriculum okutulan muhtelif derslerin ana bir tema etrafında birleştiği.
2. anlamı (meyve) göbek. koçan. eşelek. bir şeyin en önemli yeri ya da merkezi. öz. çekirdek.


Core tanım:

Kelime: core
Söyleniş: 'kOr, 'kor
İşlev: noun
Usage: often attributive
Kökeni: Middle English
1 : a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature core of the city : as a : the usually inedible central part of some fruits (as a pineapple); especially : the papery or leathery carpels composing the ripened ovary in a pome fruit b : the portion of a foundry mold that shapes the interior of a hollow casting c : a vertical space (as for elevator shafts, stairways, or plumbing apparatus) in a multistory building d (1) : a mass of iron serving to concentrate and intensify the magnetic field resulting from a current in a surrounding coil (2) : a tiny doughnut-shaped piece of magnetic material (as ferrite) used in computer memories (3) : a computer memory consisting of an array of cores strung on fine wires; broadly : the internal memory of a computer e : the central part of a celestial body (as the earth or sun) usually having different physical properties from the surrounding parts f : a nodule of stone (as flint or obsidian) from which flakes have been struck for making implements g : the conducting wire with its insulation in an electric cable h : an arrangement of a course of studies that combines under basic topics material from subjects conventionally separated and aims to provide a common background for all students core curriculum i : the place in a nuclear reactor where fission occurs
2 a : a basic, essential, or enduring part (as of an individual, a class, or an entity) the staff had a core of experts the core of her beliefs b : the essential meaning : GIST the core of the argument c : the inmost or most intimate part honest to the core
3 : a part (as a thin cylinder of material) removed from the interior of a mass especially to determine composition


İngilizce Core kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. centro, alma, cogollo, corazón, médula, meollo, núcleo
v. extraer el corazón de una fruta


İngilizce Core kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. trognon du fruit; centre, coeur
v. enlever le trognon


İngilizce Core kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Kern; Zentrum, Herz (stück)
v. entkernen


İngilizce Core kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. torsolo; (fig) centro, nucleo, cuore; (fig) nocciolo, essenza; anima; (Minier, Geol) carota; (Atom) nocciolo del reattore
v. togliere il torsolo a; (Minier, Geol) carotare; (Met) svuotare


İngilizce Core kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. o centro, o coração de algo; polpa da fruta
v. tirar o centro


f. içini çıkarmak, göbeğini almak
i. iç, öz; çekirdek; göbek, meyve göbeği; dolgu


İngilizce Core kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. klokhuis (van de appel of ander fruit); centrum; hart
ww. uitboren, het binnenste van het fruit weghalen


n. central part of a fruit (containing the seeds); center, heart; cross-sectional sample (of soil, ice, etc.)
v. remove the core of a fruit, take out the center section of a fruit
v. blush, redden, flush; color, paint, bleach

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