

1. anlamı (s)., (i). çift olan, birleşmiş birleşik; (mat)., (biyol). karşılıklı; birbirinin yerine geçebilen; (i). birleşik çiftin her biri.,birleşik,xyz çekil/çek.
2. anlamı (eylem) çekmek. (eylem) çekilmek.


Conjugate tanım:

Kelime: con·ju·gate
Söyleniş: 'kän-ji-g&t, -j&-"gAt
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English conjugat, from Latin conjugatus, past participle of conjugare to unite, from com- jugare to join, from jugum yoke -- more at YOKE
1 a : joined together especially in pairs : COUPLED b : acting or operating as if joined
2 a : having features in common but opposite or inverse in some particular b : relating to or being conjugate complex numbers complex roots occurring in conjugate pairs
3 of an acid or base : related by the difference of a proton the acid NH4 and the base NH3 are conjugate to each other
4 : having the same derivation and therefore usually some likeness in meaning conjugate words
5 of two leaves of a book : forming a single piece
- con·ju·gate·ly adverb
- con·ju·gate·ness noun

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