1. anlamı (i). uzlaştırma, barıştırma, yatıştırma.,gönül alma. 2. anlamı gönül alma.
Conciliation tanım:
Kelime: con·cil·i·ate Söyleniş:k&n-'si-lE-"At İşlev:verb Türleri:-at·ed; -at·ing Kökeni: Latin conciliatus, past participle of conciliare to assemble, unite, win over, from concilium assembly, council -- more at COUNCIL transitive senses 1 : to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing acts 2 : to make compatible : RECONCILE 3: APPEASE intransitive senses : to become friendly or agreeable synonym see PACIFY - con·cil·i·a·tion /-"si-lE-'A-sh&n/ noun - con·cil·i·a·tive /-'si-lE-"A-tiv/ adjective - con·cil·i·a·tor /-"A-t&r/ noun - con·cil·ia·to·ry /-'sil-y&-"tOr-E, -'si-lE-&-, -"tor-/ adjective