1. anlamı gizli hal/gizleme. 2. anlamı saklama. gizleme.
Concealment İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Concealment anlamları
(noun) A place of hiding; a secret place; a retreat frem observation.
(noun) The act of concealing; the state of being concealed.
(noun) A secret; out of the way knowledge.
(noun) Suppression of such facts and circumstances as in justice ought to be made known.
Concealment tanım:
Kelime: con·ceal Söyleniş:k&n-'sE(&)l İşlev:transitive verb Kökeni: Middle English concelen, from Middle French conceler, from Latin concelare, from com- celare to hide -- more at HELL 1 : to prevent disclosure or recognition of 2 : to place out of sight synonym see HIDE - con·ceal·able /-'sE-l&-b&l/ adjective - con·ceal·er /-'sE-l&r/ noun - con·ceal·ing·ly /-'sE-li[ng]-lE/ adverb - con·ceal·ment /-'sE(&)l-m&nt/ noun