

1. anlamı (i). cilt, ten; sima, görünüş, veçhe. complexioned (s). belirli bir ten rengi olan.,doğa/ten rengi.
2. anlamı ten. ten rengi. karakter. doğa. tutum.


Complexion tanım:

Kelime: com·plex·ion
Söyleniş: k&m-'plek-sh&n
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin complexion-, complexio, from Latin, combination, from complecti
1 : the combination of the hot, cold, moist, and dry qualities held in medieval physiology to determine the quality of a body
2 a : an individual complex of ways of thinking or feeling b : a complex of attitudes and inclinations
3 : the hue or appearance of the skin and especially of the face a dark complexion
4 : overall aspect or character by changing the complexion of the legislative branch -- Trevor Armbrister
- com·plex·ion·al /-shn&l, -sh&-n&l/ adjective
- com·plex·ioned /-sh&nd/ adjective